comp 1850 | introduction to web development

assignment one

build an index page for your web space

objective: Build and upload an index page for your account.


  1. Correctly structured HTML.
  2. An HTML comment near the top with your full name.
  3. A heading element that includes your name.
  4. Information about you, why you're taking this class, what you hope to learn, broken into paragraphs.
  5. Something cool you learned from the first assigned readings.
  6. Upload your exercise to your account using a descriptive filename appropriate for the web and email your instructor something like this (note, this is a mock email, I'm just saying add some content into the body of the message):
    Subject: COMP 1850 Homework Exercise 1
    "Hi Dave! Here's my first homework exercise:
    ...or something like that.

Exercise is due before the start of the next session. Your instructor will not hunt you down to hand this in - no email sent to your instructor equals zero marks.

assigned: session 1
due: session 2
weight: 5% of final grade

comp 1850 home | about the course | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | html fundamentals | 03 | intro to css | 04 | intro to page layout | 05 | responsive web design | 06 | planning site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | advanced css elements | 09 | advanced page layout | 10 | forms | 11 | introduction to javascript | assignment one | assignment two | assignment three | assignment four | assignment five | assignment six | final project | dave tanchak | students on bcitwebdev | learning hub login | bcit | bcit: computing |